To: Our Winter 2 2020 Customers
Subject: Make Up / Compensation Package Due To COVID-19
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well and adapting to all the changes that we have been faced with. It has been a big adjustment at Northstar Gymnastics. We absolutely love to teach kids and not to see them has been very different.
I bought my first gym in 1977. Along the way I've been faced with many challenges: In 1979 I moved our operations from a 1200 sq. ft. facility to a 8400 sq. ft facility. We soon moved into a deep recession. I had to borrow money in December 1980, the prime rate was 21.5%. For a period of time I had to live in one of the spare rooms at the gym. In 1990 I had a new facility built, only to find out the builder built part of it on someone else's property. We ended up having to move into another facility. A couple more recessions. I closed our Grand Rapids location in 2011. When I was 19 and bought the business I didn't know it all and I still don't. That's what makes everyday so interesting. That was then and now is now. I do know something. I love to see kids learn. I love education. Business is a challenge. The sport of gymnastics is so unique. If you look hard enough you can find solutions. This is probably one of the most challenging things I've ever been faced with in my 42 years in business. In reality, I really never thought anything like this could happen. But it has. And now it is time to start accepting the facts, figure the best opportunity, and carry on.
Thank you for being patient for this information. The only way I can address you right now is with honesty and facts. I'm dealing with a lot of unknowns right now, as many of us are. I have worked hard and spent many hours on trying to figure out the best solution for you our clientele and for the business Northstar Gymnastics. As you know we had to cease operations on Monday, March 16, 2020. Currently we are slated to start operations on Tuesday, April 14, 2020. I know there are a lot of small businesses right now that are being challenged. Unlike some busineses our cash flow has pretty much come to a halt. We are not allowed to carry on any of our normal day to day operations. We are refunding money for events that were scheduled during this time. We are doing are best to keep our staff with hours. When our closure was moved from two to four weeks it made the decisions for this package different.
Make Up / Compensation Package
I have always prided myself that we have always gave our customers the best value for their dollar that we possibly could. My decisions were made with you our customer's in mind and well-being of Northstar Gymnastics. I hope you will find this solution to be fair. If your family's financial situation has changed let us know. We will work with you.
Sometimes leadership is easy and sometimes it is not. In the end I have listened to many and tried to find as many facts as I could. I had to come up with the solution. We want to return to business as strong as possible. We want to stay strong for our community. We want to keep educating kids. We are looking forward to when classes return. When laughter is the magical sound in the gym again. The noise. The fun! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone.
Tim Chesla, owner
Northstar Gymnastics
We will be extending the Winter 2 Session to May 2, 2020
Parent & Tot class members your package is listed below
MONDAY CLASSES (Tumble Bee and above)
Classes missed 4
Compensation Package
Package 1
a) You will get a credit for 1 class. At the time you are paying for a new session we will take the amount off your tuition that is equal to the class your child attended in the Winter 2 2020 session. Expires December 31, 2020.
If you want to turn this into Open Gyms you may. Each class will equal 3 Open Gyms. If you turn them into Open Gyms they will never expire.
b) 3 Open Gyms. They will never expire. You can use them for your current student, family member, or friend. They do not need to be a member. If you want to turn this into another make up class you may.
3 Open Gyms = 1 class
c) 2 Make up classes. They will expire August 31, 2020. Make ups will be scheduled according to our "Make Up Policy." If you want to turn this into Open Gyms you may. Each class will equal 3 Open Gyms. If you turn them into Open Gyms they will never expire.
d) If you are doing the Spring Show your entry fee will be $12.00 instead of $17.00. You will also get a one time 25% discount to any of our Clinics or Camps. This will expire August 31, 2020.
Package 2
a) We have had some customers ask about making up all 4 classes. YOU MAY. If you choose to do this, your make ups will never expire. Under this option you can only do make ups in a session that your child is currently enrolled in. Make up's will be scheduled according to our
"Make Up Policy"
b) If you are doing the Spring Show your entry fee will be $12.00 instead of $17.00. You will also get a one time 25% discount to any of our Clinics or Camps. This will expire August 31, 2020.